Public Consultation Information for the Silicon Ridge Project, a silica quarry
Rogue Resources Inc. will hold a public consultation meeting on the exploitation project "Silicon Ridge" (silica quarry). This session, which will be attended by Mr. Sean Samson, President of Rogue Resources Inc., Mr. Paul Davis Vice-President of Technical, and specialists from SNC-Lavalin, will be held on March 24, 2017, starting at 4:00 pm at The Municipality of St-Urbain, 359 rue Ste-Claire, St-Urbain, G0A 4K0.
The session will be divided into two parts. The first part will allow members of the public to become acquainted with the project. The second part will collect the opinion and suggestions of the public.

Project Description:
The Silicon Ridge project involves the development and operation of a silica quarry. This project is located on public lands in the Zone d’exploitation contrôlée (ZEC), 53 km north of Baie-Saint-Paul. The project site is accessible from Highway 381, at kilometer 43, where a number of forest roads provide access. The project area was deforested by forestry companies a few years ago. Near the project, about 4 km to the west, a silica quarry has been in operation for many years. The Silicon Ridge project is expected to be in operation over a period of more than twenty years based on known mineral resources. The operations will mainly involve drilling, blasting, crushing and screening activities. Once screened, the material will be transported to a port for export. Operations on the site are scheduled to take place from May 1st to November 30th of each year. Infrastructure on site will be limited to a few temporary buildings, a generator and a fuel depot. The quarry will produce approximately 180,000 tons per year of high quality silica for various applications, including silicon production. The initial investment in the project is estimated at between $ 5 million and $ 15 million.
Detailed documentation of the entire project will be made available to the public between February 22 and April 24, 2017 at the Saint-Urbain Municipal Office, at 917 Saint-Édouard Street, St-Urbain, QC, G0A 4K0. During business hours (Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm) and on the Rogue Resources website at any time:
Detailed documentation of the Silicon Ridge Project (pdf)
Citizens may submit their questions and comments for the public meeting to Rogue Resources Inc., by mail to 44 Victoria Street, Suite 1612, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5C 1Y2, or via the following email address: by March 24, 2017. If you wish, you can use the form available online at
This consultation is provided for in accordance with section 140.1 of the Mining Act and sections 39.1 and 39.2 of the Mineral Substances Regulations other than petroleum, natural gas and brine.
Following the public meeting, citizens may submit written comments by April 24, 2017 to: Rogue Resources Inc., 44 Victoria Street, Suite 1612, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5C 1Y2 or by email at
Biological studies carried out in 2016 in the project study area.
Cooper vole-lemming potential habitat and rock voles - French Only (pdf)
Acoustic inventory of bats in the Martres ZEC - French Only (pdf)
Inventory of Bicknell's Thrush and Habitat Characterization - French Only (pdf)
Characterization of wetlands and floristic species - French Only (pdf)
Helicopter inventory of birds of prey and Barrow's Goldeneye - French Only (pdf)
Characterization of watercourses and inventories of ichthyan fauna - French Only (pdf)
Public Consultation Presentation - French Only
Photos of Public Consultation
Figure 1: Silicon Ridge Project Location
Community Centre of the Municipalité of St-Urbain
Mr. Christopher Wolfenberg, Director
Ms. Julie Ward, Director
Mr. Sean Samson, President and CEO