The Snow White property has been identified by previous workers to host at least two occurrences of high silica quartz zones, with intermittent exposure over 700 metres of strike length. These include the Main Zone in the central portion of the claim group, and the Southern Zone in the southern part of the Property (Winter et al., 2010).
The Main Zone has been quarried on three separate occasions by previous workers, and approximately 6,100 tonnes of material were bulk sampled for metallurgical testing including 846 tonnes in 2000, 3,000 tonnes in 2008, and 2,300 tonnes 2009. An estimated 1,000 to 2,000 tonnes of mixed quartz and granitoid blasted rock remain stockpiled near the property entrance.
The Property currently comprises no Mineral Resources or Mineral Reserves.
The Project currently has a Class A and Class B Pit-Quarry Aggregate Permit for unlimited annual silica/quartz production overlying 102 ha of ground, part of which overlies a mining claim belonging to a third party to the east.
The Snow White Silica Project property comprises ten claim units within three staked unpatented mining claims totaling approximately 160 ha, centered around 46o 21’ 34’’ N latitude, 82o 21’ 14’’ W longitude ((UTM 395850E 5134880N, NAD 83, Zone 17) in NTS map sheet 041J08 in northern Deagle and southern Gaiashk Townships, District of Algoma, within the Sault Ste. Marie Mining District of Ontario.
The Property is approximately 27 km northwest of the town of Massey, 105 km west of the city of Sudbury and 500 km north-northwest of Toronto.
The Project area is accessible by travelling north on Highway 533 from Massey, Ontario for 25.7 km to the intersection of a westerly running logging road located 0.7 km north of a power transmission line that crosses Highway 533. Travel westward on the logging road for 4.7 km to the powerline access road, then travel 4.2 km further west to a logging road trending southwest. Travel southwest an additional 6.4 km to the site. Total distance from Massey is 41 km including 25.7 km along Highway 533 and 15.3 km along logging roads.