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2018 M.Plan Resource Estimate


The resource estimate, includes resources from the Main Zone as summarized in the following table (Table 1).  The Main Zone is open along strike and down dip and has potential for expansion.

The mineral resource for the Snow White project incorporates analytical results from 36 diamond drill holes totaling 1,910 metres (“m”).  The estimate was prepared using a block model constrained with 3D wireframes of the principal mineralized domains.  Values for SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, and Fe2O3, were interpolated into blocks using Inverse Distance Squared (“ID2”) from a large quartz zone that remains open to depth as well as along strike in both the north and south directions.  The current resources are confined to a small portion of the known quartz vein and further exploration at depth and along both strike directions may allow the for expansion of the resources.

A preliminary open pit optimization algorithm was run on the estimated grade block model to constrain the resources and to support the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (“CIM”) requirement that Mineral Resources have ‘reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction’.  Only mineralization contained within the preliminary pit shell has been included in the resource estimate.

2018-08-06 Snow White Resource Est Table

August 31, 2018 NI 43-101 Technical Report - M.Plan Resource Estimate

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